A four-week program to reignite your love for the practice.

*Now featuring THREE BONUS CLASSES!*


We all go through seasons of change. Even the most dedicated practitioner oscillates from time to time, but the real question remains: how do we find our way home?

Cue Back in the Game!

This program is specifically designed to guide you back to your practice at a nurturing pace, while helping you remember why you love yoga.

How it Works:

Back in the Game consists of a gradual build over four weeks with four practices: 20, 30, 40, and eventually 50 minutes. Each physical practice comes with a corresponding meditation and free-writing exercise, which also progresses in duration. This steady approach will help you build confidence, strength, and excitement around getting back into your practice.

I encourage you to repeat each class and meditation 2-5x per week before progressing to the next week of classes, but as always — you do you!

I hope this program steers you back into a seat of empowerment and a place in your mind and body that feels like home.


*NEW* BONUS INTRO: Let’s Begin

20 minute practice

Worried about getting back on your mat? Have no fear — this sweet 20 minute chaturanga-less practice will ease you back in while reminding you how good it feels to move.

This practice helps to wake up your body, gently open, and strengthen, preparing you for Week 1 of Back in the Game. This can also be used anytime you want a quick burst of space and endorphins.


7 minute conversation

Are you looking for a little inspiration to get yourself going? Join Kathryn for a quick chat as she shares her Top 5 Tips for getting yourself back in the game!

WEEK ONE: Shake it Off

20 minute practice // 5 minute meditation // 1 minute free-writing

Congratulations! If you’re taking the time to read these words it means you’re ready to dive in and shake the cobwebs from your mat. We’ll start off a simple: a 20 minute practice to help you remember why you love your practice.

Gentle twists and chest openers, modified sun salutations, a sprinkling of warriors, camel backbends, and yes — the return to vinyasa with open arms! This class is here to help you bridge the joy gap and recall how yoga makes you feel.

The asana practice will be paired with a separate and simple meditation video: five minutes of sitting followed by one minute of free-writing. This meditation uses the powerful concept that all of this is temporary — sadness, confusion, even seasons away from our practice.

Welcome back, friends. Let’s do this!

WEEK TWO: Feeling Niiiiiiice

30 minute practice // 5 minute meditation // 2 minute free-writing

Week two is all about turning up the heat just a notch. We’re tacking on an extra 10 minutes which means full sun salutation A + B, a slightly faster pace, and the introduction of core strengthening. Nothing too wild, but you might start to feel untamed in the perfect kind of way.

This week’s meditation shifts to the use of mantra, particularly: I am energized, I am focused. We’ll extend our free-writing to an additional minute, giving our mind permission to dive deeper and explore.

WEEK THREE: Oooh Spicy!

40 minute practice // 10 minute meditation // 3 minute free-writing

That’s right! Time to build some heat and confidence! Week three brings the spice with a 40 minute practice building off of our first two weeks. Our sun salutations will multiply, warriors begin to dance, and we’ll invite the potential to invert our bodies — one little hop at a time.

We’re upping our seated meditation to 10 minutes, using a guided visualization to help keep preconceived notions at bay. Whisk your fears away then explore your mind with three minutes of free-writing.

WEEK FOUR: And I’m Back in the Game!

50 minute practice // 15 minute meditation // 5 minute free-writing

That’s right, baby — you’re officially back in the game!

All of your hard work pays off in this 50 minute practice weaving the past weeks together: fluid sun salutations, standing warriors and twists sprinkled with the opportunity to invert, fiery core, beautiful backbends, and delicious time in hip openers.

You’re also ready to sit Meditation Mondays style: this is how Haus of Phoenix members meet every Monday: 15 minutes of meditation followed by five minutes of free-writing. The concept? This is just the beginning.

BONUS CLASS: Haus Yoga ~ Change your Day

20 minute practice

We've all been there: too crunched for time or cranky to practice. It's a constant battle (and totally normal) which is why this class is perfect for you!

This class is here to remind you: you evolve into what you give your attention to. So use this practice of thoughtful movement, breath and release to completely change the outlook for the rest of your day. Bonus: CHATURANGA FREE!


Price: $45 USD. One-time charge. No refunds.

Program access valid 6 months.